Fan Gets Inappropriate Behind Paige, Brandi Rhodes Wrestled While Incredibly Injured


You never know what can happen in pro wrestling and I don’t know how many times I’m going to say that time and time again because it continues to be true.

One fan paid a lot of money for SmackDown Live tickets this week and once he figured out that he was in the camera’s shot he took full advantage of his situation.

We’re not going to describe to you what this fan was doing so you’ll just have to see for yourself. But suffice it to say it wasn’t the best thing to get caught on camera during a TV-PG program.

What makes it even worse is the fact that this took place directly behind Paige. Because she deserves respect as SmackDown Live General Manager and it isn’t especially unfortunate for any other reason besides that.

Brandi Rhodes has come a long way since leaving WWE. She was once thought of as just a ring announcer named Eden but soon found herself exiting WWE alongside her husband Cody Rhodes.

The American Nightmare and self-proclaimed leader of the Bullet Club, Cody took over the planet’s indie wrestling scene and is only cashing in on betting for himself in a big way but the best seems to be yet to come for Rhodes.

Meanwhile, Brandi Rhodes jumped into the ring for competition and has proven herself to be pretty tough in the squared circle. She’s a part of ROH’s Women Of Honor division and recently traveled to Japan for a tournament but that’s where the good news ends for now.

Brandi suffered a broken bone in 2 places which is never good but apparently, it didn’t keep her from wrestling 2 times on it anyway. Rhodes updated fans with an X-ray of her injury but isn’t going to let this stop her from getting back in there to “whoop some ass soon” as soon as possible. She might just be one of the toughest women in pro wrestling at this point.


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