Even After Their Split The Shield Is Still The Best Thing Going In WWE


Watching The Shield split up was an absolutely heart wrenching experience for any WWE fan. Seth Rollins served his purpose as the catalyst that moved the split forward and no one saw it coming. You would have had to be psychic to predict that Rollins was going to align himself with The Authority and that’s the beauty of it. It’s tough to surprise the fans in the modern era of wrestling but WWE managed to drop jaws with the recent breakup of The Shield.

Before their breakup The Shield was more popular than ever and now that they’ve split that hasn’t changed one bit. All over social media and other outlets as well The Shield is getting more attention than ever. If the past few weeks have proved anything it’s that the split was done at the perfect time. With Daniel Bryan out if action, CM Punk gone and the fans having long since turned on Cena, WWE needs main event talent and The Shield is filling the gap.

Since going their separate ways each member has come into their own and proved that they have more than what it takes to survive as individuals. Roman is already in the main event with both Rollins and Ambrose not far behind. The ascension of Roman Reigns and the current feud between Ambrose and Rollins is must see TV which is something WWE has needed for a long time.

Roman Reigns has long been positioned to be the breakout star of The Shield and him securing a spot in the Money in the Bank ladder match seems like a perfect fit. We’ve known for a long time that Reigns is the powerhouse of the group but now he’s being given a chance to develop his character and he’s making great progress. Although his mic skills could use some work he’s come a long way from the guy who could only scream “BELIEVE IN THE SHIELLLLLDDDDD!” when handed a mic a year and a half ago. Ambrose and Rollins have always come off as seasoned wrestlers but it’s hard to argue that Roman has improved the most since their debut.

Seth Rollins has proved that he is the perfect choice to play the heel of the group. The WWE has handed him the ball and he’s running with it at full speed. Rollins has always come off a little more cold and detached than the other two. He’s out for himself and that attitude will surely take his character to new heights.

Last but certainly not least we have Dean Ambrose. In the past few weeks Ambrose has managed to turn his wiley persona into the ultimate cool. If Roman Reigns is the Superman of the group then Ambrose is undoubtedly the Joker. WWE doesn’t really have any anti heroes at the moment and Ambrose has become the flag bearer when it comes to bad guys you can’t help but love. He’s unpredictable, he’s a loose cannon and he’s a character you want to watch.

Although the move was questionable at first given the group’s popularity, recent weeks have proved that The Shield’s popularity hasn’t died down at all. It seems like we had seen all that The Shield had to offer as a group and their feud with Evolution was the perfect send off for them. When it’s all said and done The Shield will go down as one of the greatest factions ever, there’s just no way around that. But right now all three members of The Shield are creating must see moments and we can’t wait to watch what happens next.


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