Joe Hendry has been one of the most talked about stars in wrestling for some time now, and he’s managed to work his way into a prominent spot on NXT programming. On Sunday night Joe Hendry challenged Ethan Page for the NXT Championship at No Mercy, and Trick Williams was the special guest referee for the match.

As soon as the bell rang the fans showed their support for Joe Hendry when they chanted “we believe.” Early on in the match Trick Williams made it clear that he was going to call the main event right down the middle.

At one point Ethan Page hit Joe Hendry with Ego’s Edge on the apron from outside the ring, and Hendry barely made it back into the ring before getting counted out. Hendry managed to get the momentum back on his side when he hit Ethan Page with Ego’s Edge for a two count. The crowd went wild as Hendry made a comeback and hit the Standing Ovation. It looked like he had it won, but Trick Williams noticed that Ethan Page’s foot was under the bottom rope so he stopped the count.

Ethan Page pushed Hendry into Trick to knock Trick out of the ring. Page hit Hendry with the Standing Ovation and another ref ran down for a two count. The champion grabbed the belt and tried to hit Hendry with it, but the ref stopped him and pulled the belt from his hands. Ethan Page then hit Hendry with a DDT on the belt. The ref went to count the pin only for Trick to stop him at the last second. Trick argued with Ethan Page who tried to strike him. However, Page accidentally knocked the other referee out of the ring instead. While Trick was distracted by the referee situation Page hit Hendry with a low blow followed by the Ego’s Edge. Trick hesitated as he counted the pin then declared Ethan Page the winner.

After the match Trick Williams was attacked by Pete Dunne as the show went off the air.