Edge Responds To Fan Who Says Wrestlers Shouldn’t Take Pride In Winning Championship Belts


Edge is a man who needs no introduction in the world of professional wrestling, as he’s a WWE Hall of Famer, a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and he’s wrestled some huge matches on the Grandest Stage of Them All. So, it’s safe to say that he knows a thing or two about wrestling.

Nowadays Edge is retired from in-ring competition, and he’s busy focusing on his acting career. He also hosts a podcast with Christian, and they recently had Hacksaw Jim Duggan on the show as a guest.

Edge has worked with some of the best wrestlers the world has to offer, and during the episode of the podcast he noted that he “worked” Hacksaw.

One fan made it a point to let Edge know that he cringed when he said he “worked” Hacksaw, and the Hall of Famer responded with a sarcastic remark which included a reference to the many championships he won throughout his career.

That’s when another fan entered the conversation and questioned why wrestlers even take pride in winning championship belts, and compared winning titles to Tom Hanks bragging about fighting in Vietnam because it’s something he did in the film “Forrest Gump.”

The former WWE Champion responded by pointing out that it’s all about being recognized for your hard work, and Tom Hanks actually won an Oscar for playing Forrest Gump.

It appears that some people just can’t appreciate the art of professional wrestling.


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