Eddie Edwards And Davey Richards On If They Would Go Back To WWE Developmental


TNA stars The Wolves recently spoke with The Huffington Post UK’s Royal Ramblings blog and talked about their tryout with WWE NXT in late 2013 and if they would go back:

Davey Richards: “I’m extremely happy where I’m at right now. I can never say never. I can tell you that I’d never go into their developmental system and I’m not saying that because I think I’m better than anyone there (I would say the developmental system has better talent than the actual roster). It’s not conducive to my lifestyle and that’s all. I’m not trying to put down their product, I have nothing bad to say to them but I’m happy where I’m at. I kind of lost my fire for wrestling and being in TNA, I got that fire back.”

Eddie Edwards: “It would be a hell of a deal but there’s no point in wasting time by thinking and talking -who knows. At the moment there’s a lot of stuff on, a lot on our plate which is all good stuff.


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