Drew McIntyre Defeats CM Punk At WWE SummerSlam

drew mcintyre

CM Punk has been out of action since January, but that hasn’t stopped him from making appearances on WWE programming. The former WWE Champion has interfered in Drew McIntyre’s business a number of times over the last few months, and the tension between Punk and McIntyre was at an all time high heading into SummerSlam on Saturday night.

Ahead of the match it was announced that Seth Rollins would be the special guest referee and Seth Rollins made his entrance first. The fans sang The Visionary’s song as he made his way to the ring in a long striped jacket with a referee cam on his ear. McIntyre then made his entrance followed by Punk. The crowd was electric as Seth Rollins called for the bell.

CM Punk and Drew McIntyre wasted no time as they immediately attacked one another. Punk beat Drew down in the corner and Seth counted to five then pulled him off. Drew then beat Punk down in the corner and Drew was pulled off when Seth counted to five.

The action went to the outside and Drew McIntyre put CM Punk under the ring, grabbed his legs and sent him into the steel ring frame with a slingshot. Back in the ring Punk got some momentum and went for a running knee in the corner, but Drew caught him with a powerbomb. Drew then hit a sit-out powerbomb for a two count.

McIntyre went to the ringside area and grabbed a steel chair. When Drew got back in the ring with the chair Drew told him that he wants this as much as he does. McIntyre told Rollins to turn around and let it happen. Seth turned around. McIntyre went to swing the chair, but Rollins grabbed it and stopped him. They argued and Drew hit him in the fact. Rollins went to hit Drew with the chair, but Drew ducked. He stopped himself before almost accidentally hitting CM Punk with the chair in the corner.

Drew put on the bracelet he stole from CM Punk then went for the Claymore. Punk countered with a kick to the face. CM Punk finally hit the knee in the corner. He went for two in a row and connected. He connected with a third running knee then nailed a clothesline and went to the top rope. Punk hit the elbow drop off the top for a two count. He managed to lock in the Anaconda Vice then ripped the bracelet off Drew’s wrist as Drew got away.

Punk stood up after acquiring the bracelet and turned around as Drew connected with a Claymore. McIntyre went for the Future Shock DDT then Punk pushed him into the corner. CM Punk put Drew on his shoulders for the GTS then he noticed Seth Rollins was wearing the bracelet. Punk got upset with Rollins as Drew ran into both of them. Punk hit the GTS but Rollins had been knocked out of the ring. Rollins got back in the ring to count the pin, but Drew kicked out at two.

CM Punk berated Seth Rollins as he got in his face. They yelled at each other as Seth told CM Punk this is his company, and they don’t need Punk here. The fans sang Seth’s song as he told Punk that not everything is about him. CM Punk hit Seth with the GTS. Punk said, “it’s not always about me, but it’s never about you.”

Punk grabbed the bracelet off Seth’s wrist as he was down. Drew then hit Punk with a low blow and a Claymore. McIntyre yelled at Seth Rollins to count the pin and Rollins crawled over then counted to three as Drew McIntyre picked up the victory.

Seth Rollins left the ring looking frustrated. Drew McIntyre grabbed the bracelet and put it on once again before leaving.