Dixie Carter On If TNA Is Interested In Signing Any Of The Wrestlers WWE Recently Released


Dixie Carter spoke to The Fan Garage during her recent trip to India. Dixie talked about TNA possibly signing some of the recently released WWE stars and more. You can check out the full interview here along with some highlights below.

If TNA is interested in any of the wrestlers WWE recently released:

Many believe that our actual roster and their wrestling are best in the business. So we are always on the lookout for new talent. In the last few years, we focused on growing home-grown talent. A lot of new talent like EC III, Rock star Spud, Eli Drake, and Bram, there are so many and I could go on.

They’ve grown so much but I think we also did a fantastic job with people like Drew Galloway who was at the WWE and came in and completely relaunched himself. There are definitely some incredibly talented wrestlers on the market right now and some will be available at some part of this year. And I do see ourselves talking to them. I think it would be exciting to bring a few into TNA.

Who she would love to add to the TNA roster:

The Rock (laughs). There are so many great talents out there. I love Lucha wrestling. Rey Mysterio is amazing. There are some amazing wrestlers on our roster as well and we just want to continue to add it. We recently had five or six new signings and I can tell you that there is more coming up.

Rumors about TNA’s financial situation:

You can’t react to the rumors about the financial situation. That’s the difficulty about being in my position. There’s so much incorrect information out there about the financial situation of TNA. We are putting out some of the best television our company has ever put out and if you watch it you can tell, great things are happening to our company.

We just announced some associations in the Middle East, we just announced Vietnam and a lot of similar announcements are rolling out. It’s not easy knowing that there is all these negativity. And to be honest, it’s a new thing.

Seven or eight years ago, there wasn’t a social media platform for people to come on and just be negative about your product. But that is the best thing about wrestling. People are so passionate for and against it; they just love talking about it. I’m just excited that some announcements are coming out this week which might urge people to tune in and see how fantastic it is. I truly believe that it is the best wrestling show out there on television today.


  1. WWEtards don’t care about things like facts or history.
    They have fifteen minute attention spans and believe the revisionist history
    that JBsmell and Michael Cole Slaw spew out every week.
    They’re the scourge of the industry.

  2. If TNA wishes to exist-they need to get on a national channel-like spike, usa, etc, etc, these generic channels they get televised on (which my cable carrier doesnt carry) dont allow a lot of fans to view the show


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