Logan Paul and The Miz teamed up at WrestleMania 38 a few months ago, but Miz turned on his partner after they picked up a win over the Mysterios on the Grandest Stage of Them All.

Since then the rivalry between The Miz and Logan Paul has turned heated and they’re currently set to face off at SummerSlam. This week Monday Night Raw opened up in an interesting way as it kicked off with Logan Paul and The Miz brawling in the ring. Dave Meltzer recently discussed Raw’s opening segment on Wrestling Observer Radio and he noted that the brawl was booked to avoid Logan Paul getting booed.

“They opened with the brawling as opposed to Logan Paul in the ring going ‘Miz get out here, let’s fight right now’. The reason they did this was because they figured that the people were gonna boo Logan Paul when they first saw him.

So, they would have him come to the ring and do all this with no cameras on so you don’t see it. So, his coming to the ring with no music happened off screen before Raw started, and he was in fact booed very heavily.”

The Miz and Logan Paul will clash at SummerSlam on Saturday, July 30th. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.

H/T WrestleTalk.com