On Saturday night CM Punk made his shocking return to WWE at the Survivor Series premium live event, and he made his first appearance on Raw in almost a decade during Monday’s episode.

CM Punk made his way out for a promo during the main event segment and he said it was “all love” and “everybody back there is happy to see me.” PWTorch is now reporting that Punk’s claim is accurate.

According to multiple accounts CM Punk tried to approach everybody and was “very nice” and “humble” and “in a good mood.” One wrestler noted that, “he knew he kinda had to be.”

“He seemed humbled,” one wrestler said. Another wrestler added that everything, “seemed pretty positive all around, but we’ll see in a couple months if it sticks.”

When asked if people are skeptical of Punk at this point one wrestler said yes and noted that about half the wrestlers are iffy in regard to whether or not this is sustainable and who CM Punk actually is.

One way or another it seems that the first impression following CM Punk’s WWE return is a good one. Only time will tell where things go from here.

Stay tuned for updates.