Dean Ambrose recently spoke to CBS Sports to promote WrestleMania 32 and more. You can check out the full interview here and read some highlights below.

What makes him different:

“I wasn’t ‘gifted’ in the way that Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns or somebody like that is gifted, in that they got the physical attributes and so forth. I don’t have particular born-in talents and abilities, [but I have] an aptitude for this that a lot of people don’t have, just [from] being a student of this.”

Why fans relate to him:

“People can see through crap pretty easily. Just go out there and be comfortable. Be you. Be authentic. If you’re the real you, people can feel like they know you a little bit. I think that’s why a lot of people kind of invest in me. They don’t know me, but they feel like they know me a little bit, because I’m not putting on a front.”

Facing Brock Lesnar in a street fight:

“I’ve been through everything from fire to glass to thumbtacks to barbed wire. I’ve had body parts chopped off of me and sewn back on. There’s really nothing on a pain level, physical endurance level, that I haven’t had to deal with, you know? How long is he gonna be willing to try to keep me down before he starts getting frustrated?”