DDP On What Match He Would Come Out Of Retirement For, Hulk Hogan Talking Him Out Of Going To WWE


Former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Diamond Dallas Page was recently a guest on The Tomorrow Show with Kevin Undergaro and he talked about his WWE run and more. You can check out some highlights along with the full episode below.

Dusty Rhodes suggesting to Eric Bischoff that DDP break Goldberg’s before Halloween Havoc 99: “I never asked Bischoff this question, it was just recently in the last year or two that I heard it before Dusty died. But he said that uh because Goldberg was about to come out on Entertainment Weekly and the T.V. Guide and all that wearing the belt and he didn’t want to confuse the people. To me, if I’m the booker I’m thinking ya beat him, kill that streak and then beat him [DDP] back the next night… let’s see him go at it again tomorrow night.”

Hulk Hogan talking him out of going to WWE: “I said ‘I’m gonna ask Bishoff for my release, I’m going to go to New York, I’m gonna become a huge star here, man.’ I said, ‘I’m over — Kevin Nash is my best friend, he’s a star up there and I know he’s going to get me a shot.’ … and he [Hogan] said ‘Ok, listen, I want you to just pull everything down, and we’re going to talk about this because I honestly believe, if you keep doing what you’re doing, we could draw big money together.’ And he walked away.”

What he said to Brock Lesnar in the ring when Brock was 23 and he was 46: “I am the first named superstar that Brock slid in and hit with his thing. Now he’s 23, I get done with my match, he slides in, boy’s gonna hit me with the sidewalk slam and decides to hit me with the F5. Now I’m looking at that beast and after we get done with what we’re told what we’re going to do, I went ‘Brock, 23, 46, 23, 46.’ He goes, ‘c’mon D, I’m not going to hurt you out there,’ and I go ‘veteran, legend, old man.’ When he hit me with the sidewalk slam, he took so, unlike when Randy hit me with the elbow, he took so much of it, I was like ‘wow, that was kind of sweet.’ That’s what I said to him!”

What match would bring him out of retirement: “If they asked me to come back to Wrestlemania again, I would go crazy doing it.”

His WWE run costing him money: “Of the 2.3 million I was owed, I left $487,000.”

Also See: DDP On Which WWE Stars He Thinks The Company Should Push And More




  1. Rook styles needs to start facing people like HHH, Barron Corbin, Braun Stroman. Not dinky dink people like Ellsworth. Give Rook some real matches. Bet he don’t keep that title if rood, Aries.etc comes to smackdown. He’s a coward until he gets real matches


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