Daniel Bryan On If Other Wrestlers Get Mad When Fans Chant His Name During A Match


Daniel Bryan recently spoke with The Chad Dukes Wrestling Show to promote WrestleMania XXX. You can read some highlights below:

Does it cause frayed relationships when fans chant for Bryan during other wrestlers matches?

“Nobody’s ever come up to me and said anything. Nobody’s ever come up to me and said, “Hey! I’m sick and tired of these people cheering for you during my match!” But I mean there’s nothing that you really can say, you know, it’s not my fault people are doing it. I didn’t start an internet petition to say “chant for me during everybody else’s matches” or anything like that. It’s crazy and that’s one of the beautiful things about wrestling. Man, people can just go out there and do what they want, you know what I mean. It’s such a unique art form in the sense that it’s, you go out there and it’s live and anything can happen and the crowd can do anything and you just don’t know what’s gonna happen at the end of the show and all that kind of stuff. It’s really fun and the crowd participation just makes it more unique.”


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