It’s been a bad week for Michael Paris, better known to Impact Wrestling fans as two time X-Division Champion DJ-Z. Paris was injured during a match in Mexico last night where he was working for The Crash and he was taken to the hospital after the match. According to a video he posted on Twitter, he took a 450 splash pretty hard, and he initially thought that he broke a rib.
Charlie Santo, who wrestles as Gringo Loco, went with Paris to the hospital where it was confirmed that he suffered multiple injuries. Charlie Santo posted the following on Facebook:
“Please keep Michael Paris in your prayers. He suffered multiple injuries during his match last night at The Crash. I was with him the entire night and I’ve never witnessed someone in more pain than him. He will be undergoing surgery later today to stop the internal bleeding that occurred. With all of our prayers, if he’s very lucky the doctor said if all goes well the recovery time will be short. Let’s all pray that happens.”
In the next update Santo noted that doctors confirmed DJ-Z fractured his colon. He posted the following:
“After a sleepless night and countless documents to get this all under way, Michael Paris is going into a major surgery as I write this. He’s been coherent and talking the entire time but in excruciating pain every minute. After numerous exams, they found that the colon was fractured and bleeding internally, which was causing all the pain and discomfort. They’re going to try to repair it first and if that doesn’t work, it only gets more complicated. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I personally have been over run with emotion since last night wishing I could help him. They only thing we can do now is wait. I’ll update as soon as anything is told to me.”
In his final update, Charlie Santo noted that surgery went well and Michael Paris is expected to be observed in 3-5 days.
“Michael Paris is out of surgery. The procedure went well and has just arrived to the recovery room. He’ll have to be observed here 3-5 days depending on his recovery. But the doctor assured me he’ll eventually be out of the woods. This is great news considering everything we were worried about last night.”
From all of us here at Still Real To Us, get well soon Michael Paris.