Controversial Former WWE Superstar Interested In Returning To The Company


WWE has had many controversial characters over the years, but as Eric Bischoff has said controversy creates cash. However, sometimes controversy results in a character getting pulled from TV and eventually released.

Back in 2005, Muhammad Hassan became one of WWE’s hottest characters, but after he took part in a controversial angle involving The Undertaker which aired on TV around the time the London bombings took place, WWE began to receive negative attention from the media.

SmackDown aired on UPN at the time, and the network started to put pressure on WWE to keep Hassan off the show. Hassan was written off TV and WWE dropped the gimmick, then he was later released.

Hassan recently told Pro Wrestling Sheet that he was heartbroken by his release, and after he was let go he retired from wrestling.

“I had to put it behind me and I had to move forward,” Hassan recalled. “That was the only way I could survive — if I forgot about wrestling and I focused on a new career.

But Hassan recently returned to the ring, and now he’s saying that he would be interested in returning to WWE.

“It would be enjoyable to be back in the atmosphere again,” Hassan said. “It’s nothing I would want to do full-time, but I’m not going to lie — I miss it. I miss being around the boys. I miss being in the ring. I miss the athleticism of it — the art of wrestling.”

It was believed that Hassan was originally in line for a major push and a possible World Heavyweight Championship win, but obviously that didn’t happen.

Do you think WWE should bring him back for an appearance? Sound off in the comments below.


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