CM Punk Reveals Why He Won’t Sell His Ring Gear


CM Punk spent many years working in the professional wrestling ring, and he recently returned to the ring to work on the show “Heels.” In the show the former WWE Champion plays a wrestler called Ricky Rabies, and during a recent interview with Bill Pritchard of WrestleZone he was asked if he kept anything from the set.

Punk noted that he’s becoming more of a memorabilia guy as he gets older, and he also explained why he has absolutely no plans to sell any of his ring gear.

“I kind of am. I definitely feel like as I get older I’m more of a memorabilia guy, but memorabilia gets fucking expensive for the stuff that I like,” Punk said. “I want horror movie props. I just never sold any of my gear because I think that’s strange. I don’t want somebody… I mean, I wore trunks, essentially underwear, right? I’m not selling my Speedo to some weirdo fanboy on the internet, I don’t care how much money they’re offering because I just feel weird about that.”

“I have everything from my career. I may or may not have a few things of Ricky Rabies. I’ll just say allegedly, maybe I have a rat or two, and you gotta wait and see the show to know what I’m talking about, but I do have a Ricky Rabies shirt that the crew graciously gave me, and I wear it proudly, and I got some Ricky Rabies stickers because Ricky was a big merch guy. He was selling stickers and t-shirts at intermission.”

“Heels” will premiere on Sunday, August 15th. Stay tuned for more updates on CM Punk as they become available.

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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