CM Punk and Drew McIntyre have been feuding for months now and they finally clashed at SummerSlam earlier this month. Seth Rollins was the special guest referee at SummerSlam and in the end it was Drew McIntyre who picked up the win.

Following the show it was clear that the Drew vs. Punk feud was far from over, and a strap match was confirmed for Bash In Berlin a few weeks ago. Ahead of the match Samantha Irvin explained that the competitors would have to touch all four corners in succession in order to win.

Drew McIntyre attacked CM Punk before the match kicked off and he threw him onto the announce table. He threw Punk back into the ring then hit him with the strap before putting one end on his wrist. Drew hit Punk with the strap again then put the other end on Punk’s wrist. The referee called for the bell.

After the match kicked off Drew kept the momentum on his side as he continued to attack Punk with the strap. Punk managed to land one punch. CM Punk managed to hit the GTS out of nowhere and the fans responded by chanting his name. He walked over to the corner and reached out to touch one of the corners, but decided against it. Punk instead decided to hit Drew with the strap. Drew rolled to the outside, and Punk tried to grab something from under the ring, but Drew stopped him.

Drew McIntyre put CM Punk on top of the announce table then he tried to hit the Futureshock DDT. Punk reversed it and sent Drew into the announce table with a back body drop. CM Punk then pulled a table out from under the ring. Drew attacked him from behind and put the table back under the ring.

The Scottish Warrior hit Punk with a chair. Back in the ring Drew dropped Punk onto the chair then propped it up in between the top and middle rope in the corner. Punk tried to fight back, but McIntyre connected with a Claymore. Drew then tried to touch all four corners and he managed to get three before Punk dragged McIntyre into the chair McIntyre previously set up in the corner.

CM Punk touched two corners then dragged McIntyre over toward him as he went for the third. McIntyre attacked Punk then dropped him over the top rope to send him crashing through a table that was set up outside. Drew pulled Punk back onto the apron and put him on his shoulders.

McIntyre walked around and tagged each turnbuckle, but he didn’t realize that Punk was tagging them immediately after. They both struggled as they fought to touch the last turnbuckle. After they exchanged strikes the referee reset the count. Drew went for a Claymore, but Punk blocked it with a kick and they both fell down.

Punk locked in the Sharpshooter and McIntyre tapped out. He then grabbed the ropes, but it didn’t matter. Punk released the hold then touched two corners. McIntyre pulled on the strap and dragged Punk toward him for a neckbreaker.

McIntyre pulled the bracelet out then put it on his wrist. He went to the corner and called for a Claymore. Drew connected with the Claymore and proceeded to touch the turnbuckles. He got to three before CM Punk stood up and pulled him in for the GTS. After CM Punk connected with the move he hit it again then walked around the ring and touched two corners before hitting McIntyre with the GTS again. Punk then touched the third corner. He pulled Drew McIntyre up one more time before touching the fourth corner. CM Punk connected with the GTS one more time, removed the bracelet from Drew’s wrist, then touched the fourth turnbuckle to win the match.