Chris Jericho Talks About Blinding The Rock With Tobacco Spit


Chris Jericho has a lot of stories about his travels in pro wrestling and all the people he’s faced in the ring. Jericho and The Rock have quite a history with each other, after all, it was during a promo from The Great One when Y2J first made his WWE debut.

Chris Jericho told a story on Talk Is Jericho about showing up to a live event in Boston a while ago that had a pretty stacked card. To give you an idea of how long ago this was, when Jericho walked in that night he was told The Rock was there in Boston filming the movie Central Intelligence. Jericho put over showing up to WWE Live events because you really never know what or who to expect. Then Y2J told an entertaining story about The Rock from down memory lane.

Chris Jericho said he got to hang out with The Rock backstage after introducing himself via profanity in front of The Rock’s daughter and girlfriend. The two WWE Legends started reminiscing about the fact they were in the same hallway where the two did their famous “dueling promos” bit so many years ago where they used each other’s catchphrases and played off of them so well.

Then the two started talking about how Jericho and The Great One worked together back in the day. “When I first came to WWE nobody liked me,” Jericho said, “except for The Rock. He was really cool, really liked me. He was kinda the first kinda bigger named guy that I worked with a few times.”

“And we used to fight through the crowd,” Jericho continued. “And we used to grab anything you could find in the crowd, a glass of beer and just throw it in the guy’s face. If someone had a soda, you’d take the top off and throw it in the guy’s face. So when in Rome, you’re trying to fit in and be a top guy heel and I’m fighting Rock in the crowd.”

“I grab a cup and I throw it in his face. But it’s not beer, it’s not soda, it’s not coffee… it’s chewing tobacco spit. Yeah. So that goes in his face and you know how bad that smells. It just stinks and it reeks — ah, and I’m trying to make a name for myself the best I can to be somebody and I’d just throw this cut of spit in the top guy’s face it was just such a rookie mistake to not look at what I’d thrown. And he couldn’t see, he was literally honestly blinded it was just so awful. Where I was like so sorry man, I’m not that much of a jerk.”

We’re guessing everything is water under the bridge… or at least we hope that’s water.


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