chris jericho

Back in April WWE released a number of talents from the roster, but a number of producers were also released.

Lance Storm was among the names that the company let go, and he recently took to Twitter to let the world now that he is now officially unemployed when he posted the following:

“For what it’s worth I am now officially unemployed. First time since I left SMW in Nov. 1994. #FutureEndeavors”

Lance Storm’s friend Chris Jericho then weighed in, and he pushed for WWE to re-hire Storm while telling Vince McMahon and WWE to pull their heads out of their asses.

“In this biz? That’s a hell of a run! Now @WWE and @VinceMcMahon need to pull their heads out of their collective asses and re-hire you! #lanceisagenius”

Do you think WWE should re-hire Lance Storm? Sound off in the comments below.