eddie guerrero

During the Monday Night Wars it was common for wrestlers to jump from WWE to WCW, or vice versa, and at one point Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and Eddie Guerrero decided to leave World Championship Wrestling.

They showed up in WWE as a group known as The Radicalz, and Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero went on to win world titles in WWE.

During a recent episode of Talk Is Jericho which featured Chavo Guerrero, Vickie Guerrero and Shaul Guerrero, Jericho opened up about Vince McMahon’s reaction to Eddie Guerrero, and he noted that Vince saw his star power right away.

“When he came to WWE with [Chris] Benoit and Dean [Malenko] and Perry Saturn and Eddie came as The Radicalz, about two weeks in, I was talking to Brian Gewirtz, who was the head writer at the time, and he said, we were talking about Benoit. ‘We’ll work with Benoit – we’ll do this. We’re going to have you do something with Eddie.’ I said, ‘okay, that’s fine.’ And he says, ‘Vince says Eddie is ‘The One” because at the time, this was pre-Latino Heat. Eddie didn’t have that personality yet and Vince saw it two weeks in. He said, ‘Eddie’s the star.’ I said, ‘Eddie over Benoit, over Perry, over Dean?’ He said, ‘Vince says he’s the star.’ And look what he turned into.”

The current AEW World Champion went on to say that The Radicalz would argue about who was going over, because they were always trying to do favors for one another.

“I used to see Eddie and Chris and Eddie and Dean, both of them at different times, arguing over who was going to go over. And usually, it’s like, ‘I’m going to go over!’ ‘No, I’m going to go over!’ They were the other way around. ‘You’re winning!’ ‘No, you’re winning!’ ‘You’re going over!’ ‘No, you’re going over!’ ‘Dean, I’m telling you, you’re going over!’ ‘Eddie, no!’ ‘Chris, no!’ They were arguing over who would put each other over because those guys had such chemistry! Take any three and mix and match them. Go watch some of those matches because that style is lost.”

What was your favorite Eddie Guerrero match from his WWE run? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T Wrestling Inc.