Charlotte On If She Prefers The WWE Women’s Title Or The Divas Title And More


Current WWE Divas Champion Charlotte recently spoke to USA Today High School sports about “Girls Sports Month” and more. You can check out the full interview here along with some highlights below.

Q: You have indicated that you’d like the Divas championship to return to being called the women’s championship. The NXT title is now known as the women’s title. Why is that important to you?

A: It’s an honor having the Divas championship and there is lots of history behind the Divas  championship. I look at it as a new beginning for women’s wrestling so let’s have a new title. While I’m honored to have the Divas championship, this is 2016 — Let’s make it the women’s championship. But I will be privileged to represent women’s wrestling with a women’s championship or the Divas championship.

Q: A big part of the Divas Revolution – and being a WWE Superstar – is being a role model, especially with the younger portion of the audience. Now that you are a heel, is it harder to represent that notion?

A: It is. My first thought in going heel mode was I’m not going to be able to portray who I am and what I’m like in real life. I think Stephanie McMahon is who I’m tying mold myself after. She is the biggest villain on TV, but there is no one who is more empowering for women than Stephanie McMahon.

I play that character and then portray who I am and what I stand for whenever I get the chance. I don’t look like a typical model. I’m strong, athletic and can kick butt like men can. That’s what I hope people take away from my character.


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