Charlotte Flair Loses Her Teeth, Triple H And Others Sing Happy Birthday To William Regal


Pro wrestling isn’t ballet nor is it pretty sometimes even when you have someone like Charlotte Flair or Carmella in the ring. The WWE roster is currently touring through Europe busting their humps trying to entertain international fans who seldom get to see them perform live. Therefore they want to give it their all and not disappoint their fans.

Carmella is the new SmackDown Women’s Champion and had a lot to prove to the German fans on the first night of the tour because in the process of her match with Flair she knocked The Nature Girl’s teeth out.

You can see in the video below that Flair needed to get backstage and didn’t have time to take pictures with fans. Although she probably wanted to, the images of her looking like a hockey player probably would never go away and it might break a new world meme record in the process.

This is especially awful timing for Charlotte Flair because she’s set to have a ruptured breast implant fixed when she returns to the United States. Flair was actually working with a ruptured implant since before WrestleMania but she wanted to finish out her program with Asuka and then drop the belt. It’s actually incredible that she made it to Backlash but now her busted tooth is a brand new issue although she has a history of dental issues as well.

NXT is like a family so when someone has a birthday you sing happy birthday, especially when that someone is as beloved as Sir William Regal.

It’s hard to imagine how WWE would be without Regal at this point and I’m not putting him over for no reason. He could be considered a new-age Jim Ross when it comes to his backstage capacity because he continues to help find outstanding talent for WWE as they further the company’s neverending formula toward complete world domination.

So Triple H sang Happy Birthday to William Regal along with WWE Performance Center Head Coach Matt Bloom and many more from the PC staff and NXT roster. It was a pretty big show of respect as well which was very cool to see and I’m sure it meant a lot to Regal.

Happy belated birthday, William Regal. Let’s see if Triple H can top this next year.


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