Charles Barkley Talks His Close Friendship With Ric Flair


When Ric Flair went out of action due to a devastating medical condition just before SummerSlam last year, the entire pro wrestling world had him in their thoughts and prayers. As it turns out, the entire sports and entertainment world was thinking of him too. Flair’s life has gone on to influence people far beyond the pro wrestling community and that should go on to speak of his amazing character and legacy.

Charles Barkley is one of Flair’s closest friends and one of the people who took the time to go and visit Flair as he recuperated in the hospital. Now Barkley is happy to see his friend is doing so well and he recently discussed his relationship with The Nature Boy with Uproxx as they caught up with him during the NBA’s All-Star Weekend activities.

“I’ve known Flair forever, man,” Barkley said. “I was a big wrestling fan going back to the ’70s and ’80s. He’s just been a great friend, and I’ve seen him in his heyday, and we’ve had a lot of fine nights together. And I went to visit him in the hospital, obviously.”

Both Ric Flair and Charles Barkley are known for their extracurricular activities and wild antics outside of the sports world. But Barkley didn’t seem to let that phase him as he continued to discuss his relationship with the 16-time World Champion. “We got a lot of traction, whatever man, he’s just been a great friend,” said Barkley. “And I wish him nothing but the best.”

When they tried to get a story out of Sir Charles about Ric Flair’s legendary knack for getting women, he deflected the question with a masterful reply.

“Rick is happily with his new woman, and I’ll leave it at that,” said Barkley, grinning widely. “Let that man live.”


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