John Cena Reveals Why He Started Using The “You Can’t See Me” Hand Gesture

john cena

For most of John Cena’s career fans have been joking that they can’t see him thanks to his “you can’t see me” hand gesture.

Cena recently talked about the origins of the “you can’t see me” hand gesture on the Graham Norton Show, and he said that it was actually something his brother did while listening to Cena’s theme song.

“I was actually making the music to my own theme song and we played it for my brother… He was our litmus test to see what songs were good and what were bad. He did this (Cena puts his hand in front of his face and starts bobbing his head). I’m like, ‘dude what are you doing?'”

Cena added that his brother said he got it from a 50 Cent video, and he dared him to do it on TV.

“And now for 15 years, because of a dare, I’ve been doing this [does you can’t see me]. And I’ll do you one better, people actually think I’m invisible.”

John Cena hasn’t appeared on WWE programming in months, but he’s currently set to return during the WWE live event at Madison Square Garden on December 26.

John Cena, Matthew McConaughey & Jamie Oliver Geek Out Over Wrestling | The Graham Norton Show

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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