On the road to WrestleMania 30 the fans made it clear that they were very much behind Bryan Danielson, and WWE officials had no other choice but to put him in the main event. Danielson ended up picking up a huge victory at WrestleMania 30 when he won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. However, it doesn’t seem that Vince McMahon had any plans for Bryan to have a lengthy title reign.

Recently Bryan Danielson spoke to Mojo Rawley on TMZ, and he recalled some of the discussions he had with Vince McMahon about what was planned following his major win on the Grandest Stage of Them All.

“Even in WWE, when I won the when I won the World Championship at WrestleMania 30, I wasn’t their guy, right? They still had plans as far as, like, ‘Okay, we really want to transition to Roman Reigns being the guy.’ Vince legitimately sat me down and told me that. It was really funny, because the conversation was like, he’s like, ‘Okay, so we have these great plans,’ and this is like, a week after I had won the title, or whatever.

“He’s like, ‘Okay, we’ve got these big plans. We’ll have a couple of title defenses for you in between now and SummerSlam. But at SummerSlam, you’ll wrestle Brock Lesnar, and he’ll destroy you, and then, we’ll build up Brock Lesnar for Roman Reigns, and we’ll make Roman the next John Cena.'”

“He’s telling this to me, and I’m like, and then I just kind of said, ‘Okay, that’s great, but I would kind of like to be the next John Cena.’ I just remember seeing the look on Vince’s face where he’s just like, ‘Oh, I didn’t think you even saw that as a possibility for yourself.’ It was really funny.”

“This is the only time Vince has ever backtracked with me. Whenever he said something, he always kind of stuck to it, but that’s the only time he ever backtracked. He’s like, ‘Well, nobody can really be the next John Cena,’ I wasn’t the guy. I was just the guy that they needed at that particular point because the fans wouldn’t have wanted it any other way, right? So, that said, it would be cool on a national stage to be the guy for a period of time.”

H/T Fightful