Broken Matt Hardy Wants To Delete Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton And Kanye West

broken matt hardy

Broken Matt Hardy recently spoke to before his spoken word show in Cork, Ireland. You can check out some highlights from the interview, along with a few clips below.

Who he wants to delete: “There are many, many people that deserve deletion and I’m not sure what you speak about when you say character, you know because I was just born. I was given this broken brilliance. It manifested itself after my broken condition. Basically the people I would delete to begin with right now in the United States. I would delete Donald Trump, I would delete Hillary Clinton. I would delete the man who was responsible for Brexit. A couple of other people who I would delete are Kanye West and we would just delete the entire (cast) of Keeping up with the Kardashians”.

What motivated his broken brilliance: “Once my broken brilliance had manifested and I started doing different things at the compound or things like the Final deletion. My initial goal was not really cater to the hardcore wrestling fans or the smarter wrestling fans. It was to cater to casual wrestling fans. Hopefully they would see something that would capture their attention. And fortunately it has worked. There are alot of people that are now fans of the broken universe that weren’t even necessarily wrestling fans to begin with. It has been woven into pop culture in many ways. So yes I was aiming for the casual fan.”

The state of people in the world: “Everyone is broken, every mortal man or woman is broken in some way, shape or form. The most important thing any broken individual can do is keep their chin up and keep moving forward”.

You can check out a few clips below.

Broken Matt Hardy shoots on Donald Trump & US Election
Matt Hardy shoot interview // Delete!



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