Broken Matt Hardy Says Hulk Hogan And Eric Bischoff Almost Broke TNA Down Forever


TNA is a pretty hot topic right now thanks to all the rumors and reports going around regarding the potential sale of the company.

One of TNA’s biggest stars Broken Matt Hardy recently participated in an interview with RF Video, and he gave his thoughts on Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff’s involvement with TNA.

“For many many years the people at Impact Wrestling have lost their identity. There was this point where they had this X-Division, and it was truly luxurious when they were highlighting it. As time has gone on they’ve lost their way. When Brother Nero Hogan, and Brother Nero Bischoff came in, all they did was rape, pillage and plunder TNA. They almost broke Impact Wrestling down forever, for the count. Now that I am back with my broken brilliance, I am starting to illuminate the light upon it, I think TNA needs to find out who it is. Impact Wrestling needs to learn its true identity.”

Broken Matt Hardy was also asked what would happen if he putt Mr. MeekMahan in Lake Hardy

“Probably Satan would come up. Yes, probably Satan.”

You can watch the full interview at and you can check out a preview below.


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