The Broken Hardys On If They Would Return To WWE And Work For Mr. Meekmahan

broken matt hardy

Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero recently spoke to Sports Illustrated’s Extra Mustard blog to promote Bound For Glory and more. You can check out the full interview here along with some highlights below.

If they would return to WWE:

Brother Nero: “All the WWE stuff really depends on what happens between now and February with TNA. I just went out to Nashville and recorded six songs, and we’re about to open a store that sells original art work, which is going to be huge. If it feels right and good, I don’t see anything wrong with staying. When you commit to a WWE contract, you’re committing to some serious time away from home. If it were under my terms, there might be a chance, but I’m really not sure. Of course it would be nice, but what we’re doing right now is so much fun. I don’t want to go back to WWE and burn out within four or five months, and having another run as TNA world champion would feel just as good.”

Matt: “I am very content at Impact Wrestling. I don’t know if I trust that Meekmahan, or if he’ll try to stifle my broken brilliance. I’m able to live in my broken universe here at Impact Wrestling to the fullest extent, and Impact Wrestling needs me as their savior, so I’ll do everything I can to help them grow. They’ve had many setbacks in the last few years, but things are changing. I don’t have an end game. Being a celestial being, I live for the moment to fight the Great War, and that is to light the darkness. Right now, I’m able to do that at Impact Wrestling.”

Brother Nero: “For the people who really want to know where I’ll be after February, it’s just like what I said when I left [WWE]—this is only goodbye for now, this is not goodbye forever. As long as I’m healthy, there is always that chance I will return and have that one last run. For now, it’s up in the air. Ultimately, that’s my last dream match – with the Undertaker at the Hell in a Cell – so a lot of it depends on The Undertaker. If he’s going to still do one match a year, I would really like to be part of a Hell in a Cell with him. But I don’t know if he’s going to wrestle again this year at WrestleMania, or if he’s going to give it up. I was the world champion, but I never got to do a Hell in a Cell or main event a WrestleMania, but so much of it depends on The Undertaker.”



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