Bret Hart Shares Story About A Drunk Vince McMahon Urinating On Ric Flair’s Bed

vince mcmahon

Bret Hart has been around the wrestling business for a long time, so he has plenty of stories to share about some of the most well known wrestling personalities of all time.

Hart recently spoke to Inside The Ropes for the Hitman: An Evening With Bret Hart event, and he shared some interesting stories about Vince McMahon.

The former WWE Champion talked about the Road Warriors hitting Vince with the Doomsday Device at a strip club, and then he went into detail about what happened after the wrestlers left the club and went back to the hotel.

According to Hart the wrestlers went back to Ric Flair’s hotel suite, and Flair wasn’t there. That was when all of the wrestlers, and Vince McMahon, decided to start peeing on Flair’s bed.

“I remember, I don’t know how [they got in], I think it was Curt Hennig to be honest, whenever someone had to go to the bathroom, they started peeing on the king-size bed in Flair’s room, and somehow it was to get back at Ric Flair. I’m not sure how. It was like a rib.”

“Everybody would pee. There would be like four or five guys peeing on the bed. Everybody peed on the bed. I remember Vince McMahon peed on the bed, and I don’t know whatever happened, but I know Vince paid for everything.”

It sounds like there’s never a dull moment when you travel with Vince McMahon.

Bret Hart Tells The Craziest Vince McMahon Story Ever

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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