Bret Hart Apologizes To Seth Rollins, Triple H, And Michael Hayes

bret hart

Earlier today Raw General Manager Mick Foley shared a post on Facebook defending WWE star Seth Rollins. Over the past year or so Rollins has been involved in some unfortunate injuries, which has prompted some to label him as “unsafe.”

One of the most notable people pointing the finger is WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart who has been critical of Rollins. But Rollins isn’t the only WWE Superstar that Bret has criticized as of late. The Hitman also recently questioned whether or not The Fabulous Freebirds are worthy of their WWE Hall of Fame induction.

Of course the list doesn’t stop there as Bret has been outspoken when it comes to Triple H, even saying in the past that Triple H could never lace his boots.

However, it looks like Bret Hart is changing his tune, because he issued a genuine apology to the Freebirds, Seth Rollins and Triple H via Facebook. You can see what he had to say below.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to formally apologize to Michael Hayes. A while back I made comments about the Freebirds not being as worthy of being in the WWE Hall of Fame as others. It was unfair for me to dismiss their contributions to the industry and they certainly did great things in Texas with the Von Erich Family. Michael Hayes always treated me with great respect, as did Terry Gordy, Ronnie Garvin and Buddy Roberts and I’m sorry if I disrespected any of them with my comments. Furthermore I apologize to both Triple H and Seth Rollins for any hurtful comments I made on my podcast. The reality of all this is the reason I quit doing podcasts in general, because they’re for the most part an outlet for negativity, and have left me with a reputation as being angry and bitter. I’m not, I’d spoke candidly and openly but it’s no excuse for minimizing other wrestlers or their contributions. In saying all that, I still believe Jim the Anvil Neidhart of the Hart Foundation, including Owen, Brian Pillman, Davey Boy Smith, The Dynamite Kid, Jimmy Hart, The Rougeau Brothers, The Killer Bees, The Demolition, Rick Rude, King Kong Bundy, and One Man Gang all deserve their place in the WWE Hall of Fame. My apologies to all. Bret Hart x”



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