Batista Calls Manny Pacquiao A ‘F**king Idiot’ In Response To His Anti-Gay Comments


TMZ recently caught up with former WWE Champion Batista and they asked him about Manny Pacquiao. More specifically they asked him about Manny Pacquiao’s views on homosexuality. The interviewer brings up Pacquiao quoting scriptures that say gay people should be put to death. Batista is asked for his opinion and says: “Well my opinion on that is he’s a f**king idiot.”

Pacquiao recently said that gays and lesbians are “worse than animals.” Batista told TMZ that his mother is a lesbian and if anyone ever referred to her as an animal he would stick his foot in their ass. The interviewer asks Batista if an apology from Manny would change how he feels. But Batista tells him that there’s no coming back from what Manny said.

Batista continues by saying that he still respects Manny Pacquiao as a fighter but that he respects him a lot less now due to his views. He wishes Pacquiao the best but then adds that as far as his opinions go he can stick them up his ass.

You can check out the clip below.

Dave Bautista: 'Pacquiao's An F'ing Idiot' My Mom's Gay, I'm Extremely Offended | TMZ Sports



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