Baron Corbin is the Lone Wolf and he doesn’t care about anyone standing in his way. After all, he’s broken through people before in order to get what he wants and he doesn’t plan on stopping now.
What The Lone Wolf wants at this point is a shot at AJ Styles’ United States Championship. Ever since he unsuccessfully cashed in the Money In The Bank Briefcase it feels like Baron has something to prove. He wants to show what he can do by taking out The Phenomenal One.
But AJ Styles won’t be giving Baron Corbin a shot at his US Title during the Las Vegas edition of SmackDown Live. Instead, Styles told Tye Dillinger the only person his US Open Challenge was open to was The Perfect 10.
Even though Dillinger seems pretty happy to be getting this kind of title shot, it doesn’t look like Baron Corbin is going to let that go down without putting his two cents in. If this match ends with Baron Corbin invading and dishing out a couple doses of his End Of Days, it wouldn’t be surprising.
Hurricane Irma was an awful tropical storm that recently slammed into Florida and really wrecked things. A lot of WWE’s favorite Superstars live in the area and many more Superstars of tomorrow live around there too because they have to be close to the WWE Performance Center.
Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight make up NXT’s Heavy Machinery. If you’ve never seen those two work in the ring before they’re worth looking up. They posses great charisma and have exceptional team work.
It turns out their team work also translates to hunkering down during a hurricane. Without power it’s hard to keep yourself entertained when you live in 2017 and are so used to everything being connected to electricity. But thankfully, Heavy Machinery have figured out a way to make it work for them.