Backstage News On Why John Cena Won’t Be Turning Heel In The Near Future


Supertraining Gym in Sacramento posted a video last month (which has since been removed) of John Cena training with Mark Bell. During the video, Cena was asked about turning heel and he made it clear that it’s not happening.

“[It will] never happen,” Cena said. “Oh I’ve got it in me for sure… I do what they tell me, boss.”

Dave Meltzer reported in a recent issue of The Wrestling Observer that with the absence of Daniel Bryan and CM Punk, Cena’s merchandise recently – and may still – be outselling the rest of the roster combined. He also noted that live events with John Cena appearing average more than $60,000 than non-Cena shows. He also pointed out that shows without Cena in cities that they have run before do lower than usual business, while events with Cena do not.


  1. It will never happen, yeah I can see that, if he didn’t turn heel on the Rock he never will. The reason he sells so much merch is that he gets a new shirt design like every month, has 70+ pages of available merch. Bryan has half the amount of merch that Cena does. Though if Cena were to be in the mid-card for a year and booked like Big E or something, he wouldn’t sell the merch.


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