AJ Styles On Making His Moves Look “As Real As Possible” In The Ring

aj styles

People call AJ Style The Phenomenal One for a reason. He continues to get in the ring everytime he has the opportunity to display outstanding ability and a hunger to perform unlike anyone else. Now he is WWE Champion once again as he rolls into 2018 with SmackDown’s top gold around his waist.

Styles recently spoke to the Orlando Sentinel where he went into some detail about his style in the ring and how he continues to try his best to present his moveset as one that is believable. Needless to say, it might be entertainment but AJ Styles still makes contact.

“I take a lot of pride in what I do. No matter who I’m in the ring with, I want it to look like what it’s supposed to be. We call it sports entertainment, but it’s supposed to be a contact sport. I want to make that in-ring contact as real as possible, and [also make it real] outside the ring.

“The magic is making the fans question whether these two guys really like each other or hate each other. That performance is what the business is all about … it’s the storylines that people remember.”

With the Royal Rumble looming ever closer, Styles can remember his own debut as the #3 entry in the 2016 Royal Rumble as an experience he will never forget.

“Everything pales in comparison to the Royal Rumble. The response I got that night from the fans, after a couple of years out of the U.S. mainstream, is something I’ll never forget. I was really worried about how much the people would actually remember me, but that response made it something really special.”

As AJ Styles carries the WWE Championship once again it might be hard to take his title at this point. But hopefully, The Phenomenal One will get a WrestleMania moment he will never forget as WWE Champion to match to add to all of the other amazing moments he’s had so far as part of WWE.

His style where he tries his best to make it look real by having actual contact in a match would work really well against a guy with the nickname The King Of Strong Style too, just saying.


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