Airport Security Called On Austin Aries During Customer Service Disaster

austin aries

Austin Aries is known for his temper in the ring and speaking his mind. They call him The Truth for a reason because he isn’t shy about ruffling any features. But A Double recently experienced a rather awful time at an airport that could have gone much worse.

Apparently, Aries booked a flight to get home from Canada where he was working but getting back to the United States on Memorial Day weekend proved to be a much greater challenge.

“Alright I was supposed to be home in Las Vegas by now,” Austin Aries said via his Instagram story. “But unfortuantely, I am sitting in Montreal at the airport and I will be sitting in this airport for the next ten hours thanks to the subpar service of one Air Canada.”

“So the day started out with some maintenance issues on my first flight out of Quebec City which delayed my first flight here to Montreal — made my connection really tight. So when I got here I was in a hurry obviously to find my gate. So as I get closer to my gate I see my gate is on the other side of some glass wall and I can’t actually get to it. I can see the gate, I can see people boarding but I can’t get to the other side of this wall.”

The Greatest Man That Ever Lived said he asked an Air Canada employee how to reach the gate he could see but not get to. She directed Aries five minutes in the wrong direction telling him he would find someone who could help him that wasn’t there. He had to backtrack at that point and asked a woman working in a shop how to get to where he needed to go and she directed him right to his gate.

Aries eventually missed his flight and then he was called over to the customer service area. This is when he found himself speaking to an Air Canada customer service supervisor named Anna Maria.

As he told Anna Maria about his day and delays relaying his displeasure with the situation. Then she told him that there was nothing she could do about it because there were signs to point Aries in the direction he needed to go. This is when things got a little hairy.

“She was right, there were signs… a lot of signs. So I guess it is my fault,” Aries said as he continued telling the story. “Had I not delayed my initial flight by an hour I would have had plenty of time to read the signs. So at this point, I say to Anna Maria the supervisor and I quote, ‘so basically you’re telling me tough sh-t?’…Don’t say sh-t to Anna Maria because she lost her sh-t. ‘Sir I will not tolerate that language from you. I will call security right this second!'”

Aries tried to explain his point and after being told she didn’t have a supervisor he was given a card with a phone number for Air Canada customer support. “I kinda slid or flicked [the card], or slide flicked it and then she lost her sh-t and she actually called airport security. So now I got five airport security guys down. I can’t say it’s the first time this has happened to me, for those who know me you’re probably chuckling but yeah… five airport security.”

Anna Maria claimed Aries hit her with the customer service card when he didn’t take the bait to just leave. Eventually, he had to rebook his flight for 8:00 pm that night and sat in the airport lounge while he told his story.

Aries’ pro wrestling home of Impact Wrestling is run out of Canada now so he will most certainly be back to America’s Northern Neighbor. But I’ll bet he won’t be booking Air Canada again for a very long time, if ever again.

If you use any portion of the quotes in this article please credit Still Real To Us


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