It was a big weekend for AEW fans as the annual Double or Nothing pay-per-view aired live from Las Vegas on Sunday night. Adam Copeland defended his TNT Championship against Malakai Black in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match and it was Copeland who walked out with the belt.

At one point during the match Copeland jumped off the top of the cage and hit Malakai Black with an elbow drop through a table. Following the big title match at Double or Nothing, Adam Copeland has announced that he fractured his tibia. According to the current TNT Champion he will have to undergo sugery and the timeline for his recovery is unknown right now.

“Double or Nothing, flew back yesterday. Malakai Black, dude is an animal all the House of Black are just really, really, really damn good. And as you’re about to find out in this video, I guess the house always does win because I gained two new friends (shows crutches). I don’t really like them, they’re like those two buddies that just annoy you but they’re always there. Maybe I’ll name them Brody and Buddy or something (laughs).

Anyway, I’ve been feeling really good lately, having so much fun in the ring and I got cocky I guess is what it really boils down to… But yeah, my brain forgets what my body always seems to remember a little late is that I’m 50 and I need to make better choices, so my body pulled the emergency break on me the other night.

“I ended up fracturing my tibia which is going to require surgery. I don’t know the timeframe on that yet. Ruby’s birthday is Friday and I really want to enjoy that and focus on all the positives that I have in my life, because there’s way more that than the bad. And even this surgery, I know what I’ve got to do, I’ll find out the timeframe next week and everything.”