Abyss On Why He Turned Down An Offer To Work With The Undertaker At WrestleMania And More


TNA star Abyss recently participated in a Reddit AMA where he talked about turning down an offer to work with The Undertaker and more. You can read through the entire AMA here and check out a few highlights below.

If it’s true that he turned down an offer to work with The Undertaker at WrestleMania:

“Yes that’s true. I ended up staying with TNA and I’m so happy that I did. I have no regrets, I was an original member of TNA since the beginning and I couldn’t leave something I helped build from the ground up.”

If he regrets all of the hardcore matches he’s been in:

“Good question and no I don’t. I don’t regret anything I have ever done for TNA, I’ve always enjoyed working here. I don’t regret them and I’d do them all over again if I could.”

What he did with Hulk Hogan’s Hall of Fame ring:

“I gave it back to him; I had it during the time we did the storyline and afterwards I just gave it back to him.”


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