Dean Ambrose officially finished up with WWE last month, and now he is once again working as Jon Moxley.

Moxley made his big AEW debut at Double or Nothing, and he also vented his frustrations with WWE creative on the Talk Is Jericho podcast.

Jon Moxley held nothing back while talking about how he didn’t agree with a lot of the lines and segments that were written for him after he turned on his Shield brothers.

At one point he talked about a line that WWE creative wanted to say about Roman Reigns after it was revealed that Roman was battling leukemia, and he said it was the “worst line.”

Moxley made it clear that he refused to say the line while he was with WWE, and he also didn’t want to say it on the podcast, but noted that he would tell Jericho after the show.

A Reddit user recently created a post claiming that Jericho told people about the line at Double or Nothing, and that WWE wanted Moxley to say, “I don’t know who’s more of a dead man walking, Seth Rollins or Roman Reigns. Only difference I’m gonna kill Seth, and God is gonna kill Roman.”

Chris Jericho has since taken to Twitter to shut the rumor down, calling it a “total lie.”