Jon Moxley Reveals Original Finish He Pitched For His WrestleMania Match With Brock Lesnar


At WrestleMania 32, Brock Lesnar faced off against Dean Ambrose, now known as Jon Moxley, in a match that was less then memorable.

Jon Moxley opened up about the match on Wade Keller’s Pro Wrestling Podcast, and he noted that to him at the time it was the most important match of his career.

According to the former WWE Superstar he got the impression that Brock Lesnar just thought he was doing him a favor by being in the ring with him at Mania, so he didn’t put much effort into planning the match.

Moxley said that they had one scheduled rehearsal in the hotel at 11 PM the Saturday night before WrestleMania, but it didn’t end up happening, so he ran his ideas for the finish by Jamie Noble.

“So I’m just in Dallas waiting, and none of my ideas are approved yet, Brock hasn’t even heard any of my ideas, because he doesn’t care, hasn’t been around. I remember the night before the conference call, I wanted to run it by Jamie Noble, the producer. And so we meet up at like, in the hotel in some kind of a landing stairwell or whatever at night. And I’m like, ‘Dude, check it out.’ And I lay out my ideas, whatever they were. And I was really trying to get thumbtacks approved. And I had Vince, cause I asked him, ‘Can I have one thumbtack bump, please?’ And he said, ‘Maybe,’ with a smiley face. And I thought, ‘Yes, I’m gonna get it.’ So whatever it was at the end, I was ‘And finally … he f**king F5’s me into the f**king thumbtacks or whatever, and I’m on his back, choking him, and he f**king puts me in an F5 in the f**king thumbtacks, and then he doesn’t even bother covering me this time, he just puts me in the head-and-arm choke … he f**king chokes me out, my f**king arm’s up in the air and it’s starting to f**king fade. And then I flip the bird, and then it slowly fades, my arm drops and he chokes me to death after just putting me through the most f**king powerboming me and f**king thumbtacks and F5ing me through f**king every f**king thing.’ I don’t know if it was a good finish, whatever. Jamie hated it. I even had an idea where I was like, ‘What if for like the weeks leading up to it, I start ankle locking people. Like, heel hooking people like Frank Mir did to him. Like I’m studying all of his fights. And I was like ‘I live in Vegas, Frank Mir lives in Vegas. I’ll even go to Frank Mir’s gym where he’s teaching me the way of the heel hook.’ I had all these crazy ideas of cool stuff, but nobody wanted to put any effort into it except me. It was like I was invisible for that whole buildup and the weeks leading up to it, during the week.”

Moxley went on to say that they had one conference call before the match, and he threw out all of the ideas he came up with, and Brock said that they didn’t need all the extra gimmicks.

The former WWE Champion made one last pitch to Brock shortly before the match, but once again his ideas were shot down.

“So day of the show, I get there at like 11 AM. He doesn’t show up until like three o’ clock. We haven’t talked about any of this match. 3 o’ clock. Show starts at 5, we’re like fourth. Start talking about stuff, he’s just walking away, talking to other people. He’s not really interested, doesn’t wanna be there. And this is the most important match of my life. I’m like, everybody at WrestleMania wants to show up and steal the show. There are people on the show that night that I know were literally rehearsing their match for a month at like the Performance Center. Because you should show up at WrestleMania to want to f**king steal the show. And I was like, ‘Dude, we have the opportunity, we have a Street Fight. We can do anything. I’ll take any bump you want! Literally I’m begging you to f**king choke me. Please, powerbomb me into thumbtacks a hundred times. ‘Oh, we don’t need all that.’ Like, he did not have the mentality of trying to steal the show at all. Did not give a s**t.”

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