Edge On What It’s Like Working With Vince McMahon


If you want to become a top star in WWE, you need to have a good relationship with Vince McMahon. It doesn’t sound that hard, but acquiring Vince McMahon’s trust is easier said than done.

One star who managed to form a good relationship with Vince McMahon is WWE Hall of Famer Edge. The former WWE World Heavyweight Champion recently spoke to Sports Illustrated about his time working with Vince, and he noted that McMahon always pushed him to be better.

“There are not many with Vince’s work ethic, and I think what that does is breeds it in a lot of his performers, especially the ones that make it to the top. If it isn’t already in you, it will be taught to you by Vince, whose go-to was usually to push, not praise, but that was OK with me.”

Even though Edge has been retired from in-ring competition for several years now, he still keeps in touch with Vince McMahon.

“I’ll still call or text Vince, and it’s not about bad things or complaints or gripes. When I got dual-citizenship, I called him thanked him for the opportunities he afforded me in his company. I don’t know how often he hears that.”

Edge also noted that getting close to McMahon isn’t politicking, but it’s something you have to do if you want him to invest in you.

“That’s not politicking, that’s getting to know each other and allowing him to know what type of person he is going to invest this massive machine in. How can he do that unless he has some sense of who you are as a person, and not just as a performer?


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