Chris Jericho Reveals Why Vince McMahon Once Gave Him The Finger

chris jericho

Chris Jericho has worked for Vince McMahon for a long time, and he’s described Vince as one of his favorite characters in the world. It’s safe to say that Jericho has more than a few entertaining Vince McMahon stories, and luckily he’s not shy about sharing them with the rest of us.

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Jericho has been busy promoting his new book No Is A Four Letter Word as of late, and he recently shared one of his Vince McMahon stories during an appearance on Q with Tom Power. The story goes that Vince invited Jericho to fly on his private jet from Orlando to New York, and after they both landed at 4:30 in the morning after having drinks, Vince invited Jericho to go with him to the gym. When Jericho declined and decided to take a nap instead, he woke up to a picture of Vince McMahon giving him the finger.

“There’s nothing that he would ask you to do that he wouldn’t do himself,” Jericho said via WrestlingInc. “We were in Orlando doing a show, I had to do press in New York early in the morning. He had me come on his private jet, we flew from Orlando to New York, had some drinks, listened to some tunes, had a great time, landed at 4:30, both drunk. He goes, ‘What are you doing?’ I was going home to pass out because I had to get up at 6:30 for press. He goes, ‘I’m going to the gym, come with me.’ I’m like, ‘I’m not going to the gym at 4:30, what’s wrong with you?’ He’s like, ‘I have to go to work.’ ‘So do I.’ And I get a text when I wake up the next morning at 6:30, super-hungover feeling like crap, from my 72-year-old boss who’s bench-pressing 275 pounds giving me the finger… That’s him, he just works, and it rubs off on you.”


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