John Cena Gets Emotional On Raw Talk, Talks About His WWE Status

john cena

For weeks now John Cena and Roman Reigns have been going back and forth on the mic, and Sunday night Roman defeated Cena in the highly anticipated match up at No Mercy. After the match Cena took a bow, and the fans chanted “thank you Cena.”

Cena appeared on Raw talk after the show and he put Roman Reigns over big time. John said that he wanted to push Roman to be better, and he felt like he’s been hard on Roman Reigns over the past few weeks.

John Cena said that Roman Reigns lacked the ability to dig deep, and it’s his job to bring the best out of people, and Roman stepped up. Cena added that he’s been telling the WWE roster to step up, or step aside, and Roman Reigns stepped up at No Mercy.

Cena said he gave it everything he had at No Mercy, but he lost to the better man. He said it’s ok that he wasn’t good enough, because it solidifies Roman Reigns’ presence as the guy, and it’s up to Roman to do big things going forward.

Renee Young compared the vibe in the ring after the match to what happened with The Undertaker at WrestleMania. Cena said after the match it felt like a giant burden had been lifted off his shoulders in the best way possible.

He took a small shot at “the guy who was here before him” saying that he looks out for himself first, and Cena said that he looks out for WWE first.

Cena said there’s no shame in failure, and he’s very proud of Roman Reigns.

Renee Young asked what he said to Roman after the match, and Cena told her he wouldn’t reveal what he said, but it was something that’s between the two of them.

Cena talked about how he won his first WWE Championship at the Staples Center, and he started to get teary eyed. Jerry Lawler patted his shoulder, and he told Jerry “it’s cool man” then once again said Roman is the better man.

Jerry Lawler asked if the loss means he’s done. Cena said regardless of his outside opportunities, he’s 40 years old, and he doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be able to keep it up. He said he’s not done, but he doesn’t know if he can keep going at the pace he’s been going.

He said that he’ll be like a “weird Batman” character, and when they shine the light he’ll come running.

John said he was beyond impressed with Roman, and Jerry Lawler asked if he passed the torch to Roman. Cena said at No Mercy Roman Reigns stepped up and took the torch.

He thanked the fans, and added that he’s not gone, but things are changing for him.


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