One Thing All WWE Fans Can Agree On?


There are few things that all members of the WWE Universe can agree on. Not everyone feels the same way about Roman Reigns and his long-term push. Not everyone will agree on whether or not Hulk Hogan should be brought back into the company. There is practically nothing that all WWE fans will share the exact same sentiment about, but there is one thing that the WWE needs to stop utilizing so much: the distraction finish.

Why did Kevin Owens lose to Goldberg in 22 seconds? Because Chris Jericho’s music hit and Kevin Owens was “distracted.” In old-school wrestling, the distraction finish used to be limited to the heels distracting the referee in some way, leading to some form of cheating that led to a victory. This was smart business as it led the fans to want to see a rematch as the babyfaces would get their comeuppance.

Now, not a week of WWE programming goes by where someone loses a match because they were “distracted” by a theme song or someone being at ringside when they shouldn’t. If we are supposed to think of WWE superstars as being strong, determined and focused — based on their travel schedules, fitness regimens and how they keep up personas — then what sense does it make for them falling prey so easily to distractions?

And while we’re at it, WWE, please no more than one roll-up finish per live event.

Fans aren’t happy about WWE Fastlane and we’re talking all about it on this week’s episode of Still Real Radio. You can check out the latest episode below and you can subscribe to the show on iTunes by clicking here.



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