WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with his latest blog where he talks about WWE possibly having an off season, of John Cena will be on Raw and more. You can check out the full entry here and read some highlights below.

John Cena possibly appearing on Raw:

I’d be shocked if John Cena wasn’t on RAW tonight considering that he’s in NYC today co-hosting the Today Show on NBC. He should be booked to cut a WM32 promo as John is a great salesman.

If WWE needs an off season:

For those championing the cause that WWE needs an off season, are they taking into consideration the contractual obligations that WWE has with rights holders globally to produce new, first run programming on a weekly basis? Talents can be given ample off time without having to create an off season if the booking is better organized and efficiently interfaces with creative. It would tak ample planning but it can be done. I do agree that talents need more off time to rest and regenerate.

However, the reason for many injures is not solely on the schedule but also lies at the feet of the amount of ‘bumps’ talents take and the high risk element that many of these ‘car crashes’ entail. Work smarter and sell more which will lessen the need for so many insane scenarios.

Thoughts on Shinsuke Nakamura:

We are hopeful to take in the NXT Takeover in Dallas Friday night if our plan come to fruition. We went last year in San Jose and it was one of the highlights of the weekend. Excited to see Nakamura in person again. He’s spectacular IMO and a lock to be a main event star unless things creatively go strangely awry. I don’t see that happening.