Last week is was reported by TMZ that sources had reached out to them claiming Sting is planning to announce his retirement soon. Sting suffered an injury during his match with Seth Rollins at Night of Champions in 2015 and he’s been out of action ever since. TMZ then caught up with Sting on Sunday night and asked him about the rumors and he told them that he’s not retired. released a new interview with Sting where they asked him about his future in the ring, who he wanted to face at WrestleMania 32 and more. You can check out the full interview here and read some highlights below.

WWE.COM: It had been reported that you were diagnosed with spinal stenosis. Is that diagnosis now inaccurate?

STING: I am not saying that is inaccurate. I’m agreeing there probably is spinal stenosis or cervical spinal stenosis. I have had certain doctors tell me, “You know, so many athletes of all ages, they’ve got this. They deal with it to some degree or another.” I had one doctor here tell me, “You’re fine, you’re okay — you don’t have anything to worry about.” And then wrestlers say, “I’d see this doctor.” “No, I’d see this one over there.” I’m telling you, it’s just craziness. So I’m thinking, as long as I’m feeling good, why am I going to do anything? And the one thing everyone has said is don’t go under the knife unless you absolutely have to.

WWE.COM: Had you not had this injury setback last September, do you think we would have you seen performing at WrestleMania this year? Or, is that just too tough a question to answer because of all the variables?

STING: Oh no, it’s an easy one to answer: Yes. If I had my way, yes, of course. I would have loved to have done one more WrestleMania and I would have called it quits at that point. The Undertaker match — that’s what I wanted to do.

WWE.COM: Last question: There has been a lot of discussion recently, but, as of today, in your opinion, do you ever think we will see Sting wrestle again?

STING: I have to say it: The only thing for sure about Sting is nothing’s for sure.