James Storm recently spoke to Tom Feaheny of Radio Yorkshire about his return to TNA and more. You can listen to the full interview here and read a few highlights below.

Getting Beer Money back together again:

“I always say, the better you beat each other, we broke up as Beer Money and beat each other other good, but we are now a team again, it’s like MMA fighters who beat each other up then have a drink afterwards just no one covers that.”

If he likes being a face or heel better:

“I enjoy both, they both have there perks and downsides, I say it is easy to annoy someone than to make them happy, people now want to cheer the bad guys for some reason.”

Beer Money possibly facing The Wolves:

“A lot of people want to see that match up because it could be like when we were facing the Motor City Machine guns again, but we always pride ourselves on making the division as top as it can be when we were facing the likes of Team 3D, LAX and others.”

How he felt about his time in NXT:

“It was cool being in NXT, I made a lot of new friends, I saw a lot of old friends as well… I think NXT reminded me of a young TNA group, guys who were out to prove they deserved to be there and in TNA guys are trying to prove they can hang with The Wolves, Matt Hardy… the two groups don’t hate each other, they have to go out and do their job to the best of there abilities.”