Jason David Frank Says He’s In CM Punk’s Head And He’s Never Going To Be Able To Run Away


The CM Punk/Jason David Frank feud has been pretty well documented. Frank has made it clear that he wants to fight Punk in a MMA match, but Punk has just kind of been brushing it off for a couple of years and not giving a straight answer as to whether he would fight Frank. JDF just won’t let it go and he keeps bringing it up which caused CM Punk to call Frank a stalker earlier in the year.

In any case, Jason David Frank is still talking about it and he recently told Fox Sports that he thinks he’s in CM Punk’s head.

“I just know in my heart, and I’m happy if he dodges me and steps away from that ‘best in the world’ title to say I don’t want to fight JDF … There’s a reason why. Maybe I was too confident and maybe I’m in his head because people keep asking him about it. There’s nowhere to run. Step up and say ‘no.’ I’d give you more credit to say ‘I’m never going to fight you.’ He can’t say I’m not worthy or I’m not in his league because I’ve got more fights than he has.”

“I truly believe that he has it in his contract that he gets the last, final say on who he fights and he just won’t give it to me, because I already have fans behind me and he’ll lose to me and he couldn’t live with himself. Maybe he could lose to some no name and maybe he feels better losing to somebody else, but he doesn’t want to lose to me. That’s the bottom line.

“He’s never going to be able to run away because one day down the road he’s going to have to face me. Even if I’m 50. And when I’m 50 I’ll still beat him. I’m in his head and he knows I’m in his head. I’ve already won. If I’m not in his head, respond back.”

It doesn’t sound like this issue is going to be resolved anytime soon. If you need to catch up you can check out Punk’s comments about Jason David Frank from C2E2 earlier this year in the video above and you can check out Frank’s response in the video below.



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