Daniel Bryan recently spoke to Sport360 about his health, his career and more. During the interview he named his five favorite wrestlers which you can see below.

5. Ric Flair
4. Yuji Nagata
3. Dean Malenko
2. William Regal
1. Shawn Michaels

Bryan also talked a little bit about his time working in the original NXT.

“When I was on NXT, it wasn’t the NXT that it is now. It is stupid when I was in. They had me doing monkey bar challenges. We were drinking soda in one of the episodes as a challenge, and I don’t drink carbonated beverages. A minute of live television was me trying to drink this big gulp of soda.”

“Going from independence to NXT didn’t feel like a big step up, but going from that to Summerslam to RAW felt like a huge step up, especially the pressure of live television, knowing that millions of people are watching you. That pressure can get to you.”