Vince Russo recently posted a new blog at and it takes a look at Triple H and the impact that NXT is having on the main roster at the moment. You can check out the full blog HERE and read an excerpt below:

“Honestly, I still wasn’t seeing anything out of the norm until Sami Zayn should up on RAW out of nowhere and almost upset the cornerstone of the WWE for the past decade–John Cena. That was indeed strange—but—Cena did still go over, so no big deal. But then, Kevin Owens came over, and Kevin Owens BEAT John Cena. Now, how the heck did Triple H talk Vince into that . . . I thought. But, still OK, still no big deal. Unfortunately, the BIG DEAL was to come only a week later when again on RAW, the NXT TITLE was positioned PROMINENTLY over John Cena’s WWE US TITLE. In other words, somehow, someway, Trips talked Vince into putting NXT over the WWE . . . ON THEIR OWN SHOW! Now this—this—was absolutely ludicrous.

So now the question—who really is running the show at the WWE these days? Is it Vince McMahon, or, is it Triple and Mrs. Triple? Personally knowing Vince, I just find it hard to believe that HE would make the decision to put the minor league team over the major league team on the major league teams HOME FIELD. That is just insane, and fails to put the WWE over in ANY way. As a matter of fact . . . it buries them.

So here we go again, the minority with the loud voice, takes precedent over the silent majority . . . who continue to disappear. At this point, in time, should the WWE be playing second fiddle to their own B-team?”