Jack Swagger recently spoke with The Huffington Post UK’s Royal Ramblings blog. Below are some highlights:

Wrestlemania is around the corner and you’re set to be in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. What would it mean to you to win it?

It would mean a lot. Just to be on a Wrestlemania card, I think, means more to the superstars than a pay check or going to work that day. It’s such a special thing, such an honour to be on there. So to win the Battle Royal would be very impressive and I’d put it up there with one of the best feats of my career. Anything named after Andre the Giant in our line of work is something very special and should be put on a pedestal.

You’ve faced the ‘Hero of the Russian Federation’ Rusev a number of times. He’s not lost yet so what chance does John Cena have at Wrestlemania?

Rusev is one of those competitors that comes around once in a generation. Everything that you see about him is legit. If anyone were to stand a chance against him it would probably be Jack Swagger! I think I’ve probably got one more Wrestlemania to get him! Me aside, if anyone wants to take him down in this day and age in the WWE it will be John Cena – and what a moment that will be.

You’re used to receiving advice from your manager, Zeb Colter. Brock Lesnar has Paul Heyman. What advice would you give to Roman Reigns before his World Title match against Lesnar?

I think I would tell Roman that he just needs to do everything he has done his entire life. He knows how to win and how to prepare himself. The hay’s in the barn at that point, it’s just time to believe in himself and go win the biggest match of his life. That, and to stop putting so much conditioner in his hair before he goes out! It’s not naturally that shiny! It makes me mad. It’s all product! You’re all product Roman!

The Twitter hashtag #GiveDivasAChance has been trending. What do you think of the Divas division and who’s your pick to be the next big thing?

I think our divas division is very strong and more competitive than it has been since I’ve been on the roster. They definitely are underutilised and don’t get enough air time – some matches just leave you blown away by what they do. I think Trinity (Naomi) is one of the girls that is going to transcend and change the division. She’s so athletic – if she was a guy she’d be a Pro Bowler in the NFL or an All-Star in the NBA, she’s that good.