It’s been over two years since Big E suffered a broken neck while wrestling on SmackDown, but luckily his recovery seems to be going well. Even though the former WWE Champion has been healing there’s still no guarantee that he will be making an in-ring return.

Recently Big E discussed his status with Sports Talk Philly and he noted that he will be getting more scans done in the next three to six months. According to Big E if the scans look good and he’s cleared to return then it’s something he will consider.

“More than anything, I’m just taking every day as it comes. I know that sounds like a cliche. But I get scans again in another three-to-six months, and if they look great and the doctors say it’s healthy for me to go back, then that’s something where we’ll sit down and talk about it. But I try not to spend too much time worrying about things I can’t control.

It’s nice to know that if I get the opportunity to get back in the ring, and I can do it healthily, then let’s do that. Let’s attack it fully. But if not, I know exactly what I want to do, and I’m excited about that path, too.”

Stay tuned for more updates on Big E’s status as they become available.